Epworth Freemasons

My main consulting suite is conveniently located in the Victoria Parade site of the Epworth Freemasons Hospital in East Melbourne.

Our facilities are modern, spacious and ambient, ensuring that you can feel relaxed and comfortable when attending your appointments.

Patients can see me for fertility and gynaecological consultations at these rooms.

Getting here:
  • Take tram route 109 or 12 to stop 15 on Victoria Parade, or route 48 or 75 to stop 11 on Wellington Parade, then walk up to Victoria Parade via Clarendon Street
  • By train, alight at Jolimont Station and walk 10 minutes up Clarendon Street, then turn left into Victoria Parade. Alternatively, walk up Macarthur Street or Landsdowne Street from Parliament Station and turn right into Victoria Parade (roughly 15 minutes)
  • Metered parking is available on Victoria Parade and surrounding streets

Other Melbourne locations

You can book fertility and gynaecology consultations with me at any of my Melbourne-based consulting suites located in Box Hill, Clayton and East Melbourne. If you require gynaecological surgery, this will be performed at the Epworth Freemasons in East Melbourne. If you require egg freezing or an IVF-related procedure, such as egg collection or embryo transfer, this will be performed at Newlife IVF’s state-of-the-art treatment centre in Box Hill.

Newlife IVF East Melbourne
Located at Epworth Freemasons
Consultations, Suite 106
Day procedures, Ground Floor
320 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne 3002

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9831 6146

Newlife IVF Box Hill
All procedures
Ground Floor
116–118 Thames Street,
Box Hill North 3129

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9831 6146

Newlife IVF Box Hill
Consultations and scanning
Ground Floor
120 Thames Street,
Box Hill North 3129

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9831 6146

Newlife IVF Clayton
245 Clayton Road,
Clayton 3168

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9831 6146