A knowledge bank

Sometimes reproductive matters can have you thinking OMFG! Luckily, a little extra knowledge can ease your concerns, help you manage your condition better and optimise your chances of having a baby.

Falling pregnant post-pill and other contraceptives

If you’re one of the 70% of women around child-bearing age currently using some form of contraception, you may be

5 things every mum needs to tell her daughter about her reproductive health

Understanding your reproductive health can be confusing at the best of times, let alone during your adolescent years. Whether you’re

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your pregnancy, including vaccination advice

We understand that our patients may be feeling anxious and worried at this time – and confused about the implications

Is genetic carrier screening right for me?

In the same way that physical traits, such as blue eyes or blonde hair, are passed down from parent to

COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy, IVF or fertility treatment

I am in full support of the COVID-19 vaccination for my fertility, gynaecology and obstetric patients. I understand that my patients

How to manage mastitis

This post was contributed by Registered Nurse/Midwife and Gestational Diabetes Educator, Jenny van Gemert MNurs GDipMid GDipEd. (Insta) What is

When should you start your baby on solids?

This post was contributed by Registered Nurse/Midwife and Gestational Diabetes Educator, Jenny van Gemert MNurs GDipMid GDipEd. (Insta) In this

Caesarean versus natural birth – how does it affect my baby?

A caesarean section is an operation in which your baby is delivered through a cut made in your lower abdomen

When female hormones go astray – common signs of an imbalance

Feeling irritable, bloated, or just not yourself? If so, a hormonal imbalance may be to blame. Hormones are chemical messengers

Can losing weight really help me fall pregnant?

This post was contributed by Registered Nurse/Midwife and Gestational Diabetes Educator, Jenny van Gemert MNurs GDipMid GDipEd (Insta). It may

When breastfeeding hurts

This post was contributed by Dr Candice O’Sullivan. Previously a medical practitioner, Candice now owns a healthcare communications agency, helping

Managing labour pain – what are your options?

Labour can be painful, but there are many options available that can help you manage the pain. It’s good to

Introducing Newlife IVF

Hi everyone. I’m incredibly pleased to announce that from September 2019, I will be offering fertility and IVF services through

Common fertility myths and misconceptions

When you are struggling to fall pregnant, it can feel like the whole world is against you. You’ll try anything


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