Care with Chris

When it comes to women’s reproductive health, a high level of care and expertise is needed.

Whether you need specialist care for a complex condition such as endometriosis or PCOS, or more general services such as cervical screening, contraceptive advice or management of painful periods, I can help you. I have many years’ experience diagnosing and treating the full range of gynaecological problems.

My special interest is laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that I have performed hundreds of times. I also perform hysteroscopy and a number of other procedures.

Given that I have 14 years of training and many years of practice, you can feel confident that you are in highly experienced and capable hands.


Patient journey

Here's what to expect on your journey with Chris
Referral information

You’ll need a referral letter from your GP before you book an appointment.

Make an appointment

Your appointment can take place at my main consulting suites at Epworth Freemasons Private Hospital in East Melbourne or at my other consulting locations in Box Hill and Clayton.
Book online here.

First appointment

During this consultation, I’ll take a thorough history and perform a medical examination. Sometimes blood tests and scans will be necessary at this appointment. This appointment will take around 30 minutes.

Treatment options

We’ll have a comprehensive discussion about the treatment options available for your specific condition, so you can make an informed decision. The treatment recommended for you will depend on your condition and whether you are planning a pregnancy soon.

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Urgent care

For urgent matters, call my rooms on 9418 8299 during business hours or my paging service on 9387 1000 after hours. For emergencies, go to the emergency department at Epworth Richmond.

Useful information


Endometriosis is a condition that affects women. It can cause pain in the lower part of the belly and trouble getting


A laparoscopy is a procedure to examine the appearance of the outside surfaces of the uterus, tubes, ovaries and lining

Attending gynaecology consultations and procedures

You can book gynaecology consultations with me at any of my Melbourne-based consulting suites in Box Hill, Clayton or East Melbourne. If you require gynaecological surgery, this will be performed at the Epworth Freemasons in East Melbourne.

Newlife IVF East Melbourne
Located at Epworth Freemasons
Consultations, Suite 106
Day procedures, Ground Floor
320 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne 3002

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9418 8299

Newlife IVF Box Hill
Consultations and scanning
Ground Floor
120 Thames Street,
Box Hill North 3129

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9418 8299

Newlife IVF Clayton
245 Clayton Road,
Clayton 3168

Map: Apple | Google

T: (03) 9418 8299

Have a question on your mind?

You're not alone. Read up on some commonly asked questions.

What is a gynaecologist?

A gynaecologist is a doctor who specialises in women’s health and the female reproductive system (vagina, uterus and ovaries).

Should I see a gynaecologist if my period is irregular?

Having an irregular or infrequent period doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything wrong, but you should always see a gynaecologist for an assessment as it can be a sign of a condition such as PCOS or other hormone imbalances.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Bring a current referral from your GP, your Medicare card, your health insurance details and any test or scan results (e.g. blood tests and ultrasounds).

How often should I have a cervical screening test?

Unless a healthcare professional has advised otherwise, you should have a cervical screening test every 5 years.

Find out more about the recent changes to the cervical screening program.

Do you insert the Implanon and IUDs?

Yes, I perform the procedures for a range of different contraception options, including the Implanon, Mirena and copper IUD. Read my guide to your contraceptive options.



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